About Project
- Live track your bus on the map and know where it is.
- Comparison of various routes and planning your journey accordingly.
- Up to the minute details on arrival time and information on delays.
- Heavily integrated GPS with custom maps and bus routes.
- Receive instant communication on outages, delays and other critical information.
Solution / Approach
ETA Transit Systems provide scalable public transportation solution and as part of those solutions the mobile apps were developed as one of the product. When we got connected with them then the Android version of the app already existed in market and we were asked and trusted with developing the iOS version of it. Initially they had their reservations on outsourcing but after couple of calls and once they understood more on our working methodology and checked with our client references they did trust us with the work to develop version 1.0 of it. Since they already had a development team so after version 01 they started managing the iOS version as well in-house.
Technology Stack

Our Words of Gratitude
This was ETA Transit Systems first outsourcing work and so naturally they were not sure of it, but John P Maglio the President & General Manager ETA Transit Systems showed a lot of trust in our team to develop the iOS version and also coordinated well throughout the project cycle for giving quick feedbacks. We are really happy that we were able to deliver the app on timely manner and with the expected quality and even though the app is now managed by the internal team we are still in connection even after 03 years of app launch