About Project
- Social login using Facebook, Instagram,Twitter and pulling the mutual connections from those.
- Finding the skilled provider based on different factors like skills, category, price, location and radius.
- Chat for conversations inside the service marketplace without sharing the personal details of the users.
- Rating & reviews along with push notifications and alerts to users even when the app is closed.
- Tinder like swipe to easily shortlist the profiles based on requirements
Solution / Approach
There was a lot of initial discussion on the project and we went back and forth on things as well but the idea was to detail out the requirements in the best way possible. The work started by creating UI elements and integrating it in a proper flow so that the user stories can be worked out, before starting the development. The app is developed using native technology for iOS and Android platform and it uses a custom backend developed in PHP with MySQL database. One of The challenges was to integrate various social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and get the related data from them and that too with ever changing policies from these social platforms and thus we kept modifying our solution as per the updates. The MVP of the app is done and more things in it are to be added in future phases.
Technology Stack
Product Explanation Video
Our Words of Gratitude
It was an absolute pleasure to have our client here in our office in India and we hope that the visits do not get limited to two. We would like show our sincere gratitude to ABLE Team and the product owner Alexandra Wright in particular who is passionate about the giving people a way to connect better. When you want the right thing for the product then not all the journeys are smooth but they always make each of us a better learner. We shared our part of issues in the project execution but the client was cooperative and patience and we are happy to say that we still have mutual respect and association with each other and that is what we look forward to in any association. We understand the mission of Able and wish it success and nothing else.